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Overuse Injuries in Dance

Overuse injuries occur because muscles are worked hard during training,The Importance of Massage for Dancers Articles rehearsal or performance and are not rested fully. In the next class, rehearsal or performance the muscles are not fully recovered from the last session. It is as important to have a high quality recovery practice to maintain wellbeing and enhance your true potential. Overuse is the most common cause of muscular imbalances and injury in dance. If these are not noticed early on they can impair performance or worse can lead to chronic injures.
Recovery from Physical Activity

Instinctively the body heals itself it performs the recovery process through circulation of the blood flushing out waste products that build up in the muscles during intense physical activity. It provides nutrients and repairs any tissue damage however this process takes time and a rest period is necessary. Dancers’ schedule often makes this required rest period very difficult to achieve. Massage is a safe and effective method of speeding up the recovery process.
Benefits of Massage for Dancers:

Massage aids and speed up the body’s natural recovery process
Massage helps prevent injury
Massage enhances performance by releasing muscular tension
Massage aid the healing process with minor soft tissue injuries

Massage can be an integral element to a dancers training or work schedule. If the dancer of company can budget for it, massage sessions by a qualified therapist can be programmed into training, rehearsal and performance schedule. However understanding time and money restraints dancers’ face I suggest learning and practicing simple self massage techniques as this can benefit dancers greatly.
Why Self-Massage for Dancers

Massage is extremely effective for releasing muscle 동탄 휴게텔 tension and restoring balance to the musculoskeletal system. Regular massage may help prevent injuries as a constant build-up of tension in the muscles from regular activity may lead to stresses on joints, ligaments, tendons, as well as the muscles themselves. Self massage improves they way you feel and enhances your performance, simple self massage techniques can help aid recovery and release muscular tension.

It is important to learn simple massage skills to be able to incorporate massage into your training and it is important to have a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology, especially the muscular and skeletal systems. By understanding these systems and the effects of exercise you can also appreciate how massage benefits you and why it should become an integral part of your dance training and can ultimately enhance your performance. The wonderful aspect about self massage is it is instinctive and easy to learn as you are learning about your own body’s needs.
When Not To Massage

There are times when massage could be detrimental rather than beneficial to you.
The basic contraindications to massage are:

Feeling unwell or body temperature over 100°F
Injury, wounds, recent bruising, muscle tears or sprains
Bacterial infection or other infections
If you react adversely to massage treatment
If your suffer any symptoms seek advice from a doctor

Massage Techniques

There are many massage techniques but generally they are applied with the main pressure being directed towards the heart. This ensures that no undue pressure of blood being pushed against closed valves causes any damage to them. Exceptions to this rule, for example, compression is where pressure is applied directly downwards for a short time therefore no risk of the build up of pressure or damage to blood vessels.…

Isabel De Los Rios – The Diet Solution Program

Nowadays,Isabel De Los Rios – The Diet Solution Program Articles with all the weight loss and exercise information in print and online anybody can realistically create a weight loss ebook but not everyone has the right education, training, and experience to create weight loss program that works. With a lot confidences it can be reported that Isabel De Los Rios has both the background and knowledge to author such an ebook.

De Los Rios’ Professional Credentials

Isabel has the right education, training, and experience to develop a bestselling ebook on losing weight, burning fat, and teaching people how to implement a healthy lifestyle. She has earned a degree in exercise physiology from Rutgers University in New Jersey.

Her studies emphasized on exercise physiology and scientific studies in both physical and physiological methods of training and exercising. Isabel De Los Rios has the knowledge base to discuss exercising and how it relates to weight loss, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle.

De Los Rios also is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). This is the most advanced certification granted by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

The CSCS labels Isabel as a professional who is able to use her knowledge in training athletes in both strength and conditioning. Therefore, She has proven to have the necessary knowledge in areas of nutrition, biomechanics and injury prevention to teach others how to lose weight and develop an exercise program to burn fat.

In addition to Isabel’s CSCS certification, she is very passionate about helping individuals with weight loss and fitness training. Because of her passion she was driven to become a Holistic Nutrition Lifestyle Coach, which is a certification issued by the Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology Institute located in San Diego California. Basically, her knowledge and skills has developed to the point she is able to help other increase their physical vitality, lessen their mental stress, and help them to attain a leaner body – all the eca stack fat burner ingredients for a happy and healthy life.

With her education, training, and experience she created and authored the bestselling ebook, The Diet Solution Program. The program has sold over 70,000 copies. She is also owns in the state of New Jersey the New Body Center for Fitness and Nutrition.

The Diet Solution Program Description

With her impressive list of nutrition and fitness credentials, it is no surprise that She has provided a variety of guidelines in her ebook, The Diet Solution Program that relates to losing weight and burning fat.

In the ebook, you will discover these benefits and more in the weight loss program:

-A list of fat burning foods that can be customized based on an individual’s height, weight, and other physical attributes that will lead to weight loss.

-An exercise workout that will cause you to sweat a little and, thus, shed excess weight, melt away the fat, and sculpt the body all in a way to prevent injuries. Remember that she is an expert in both fitness and exercising.

If you are looking for a coach knowledgeable and skilled in the subject of exercise, nutrition and weight loss, then look no further than Isabel De Los Rios.…

Muscle Building on a Tight Schedule: Quick Workouts That Work

Warm up sets lubricates the joints helping to ward off injury and also gets oxygen and nutrient rich blood pumping to the muscle group you are working on, warming them up for more weight to be lifted in your work sets and that inevitably means faster muscle growth. The whole reason why you are working out with weights, to get muscle fast from your training routine.
The lighter weights used in warm ups can also help you work on your form, another important rule we went over in an earlier article, without the stress of a heavier weight.
When starting your warm up sets, always begin with a warm up set of the first exercise of the particular muscle group you are working that day. In example, if you are working on your back muscles and your first exercise is barbell rows, do warm up sets of barbell rows first.
Warm up sets and reps, how many? 2 sets of 5-8 reps should be sufficient for your warm ups.
The weight to use while warming up is dependant on your body. The following is only to be used as a guideline. As a guide using 50-60 percent weight of the determined weight in your work set for your first warm up set, then for your second set up the weight 5-10 percent. Remember, you are warming up the muscle group for the actual work set, so you do not wan to fatigue your muscles with warm ups.

Some things to think about:

Make sure to do your warm ups before Umzu Testro-X Review any work sets.
Sometimes it is not necessary to do two sets of warm up for the same muscle group exercises. If you did two warm up sets for your first exercise, the bench press and your next exercise inclined bench press, then you would only do one prep set, because your working the same muscles.
Let your body determine what weight is sufficient for warm ups.

Remember, you are warming up not doing the actual work set. Be careful not to make your warm up set become part of your workout as this is counter productive due to the fact that if your muscles are already fatigued you will lack the intensity and concentration you need for your work set, thus, no muscle gain.Done properly, warm up sets will get your mind and body prepared for the actual work sets. It will set the concentration and focus plus get your muscles prepared for an intense workout and that is what any training routine needs to get muscle fast! Remember the mind body connection see and feel the intensity as you work. There is much more detail on this subject and I wish it was possible to cover in this article but time and room do not allow me. Well, for another time.…